How to Save Your Wet iPad: The Crucial Dos & Don'ts

How to Save Your Wet iPad: The Crucial Dos & Don'ts

How to Save Your Wet iPad: The Crucial Dos & Don'ts

Accidents happen, and one of the most unfortunate mishaps that can occur is getting your iPad wet. Whether it's a spilled drink, a sudden downpour, or an accidental drop in water, the first instinct is to panic. However, acting quickly and following the right steps can significantly increase the chances of saving your wet iPad. In this article, we will guide you through the crucial dos and don'ts to help you salvage your precious device.

1. Act swiftly:

Time is of the essence when your iPad gets wet. The longer it stays submerged or exposed to moisture, the higher the risk of irreparable damage. Start the recovery process immediately.

2. Power off the device:

If your iPad is on when it gets wet, turn it off as quickly as possible. This helps prevent short circuits and further damage to internal components.

3. Remove any accessories:

Disconnect any cables or accessories connected to your iPad, such as chargers or headphones. This step is necessary before attempting to dry the device.

4. Wipe off excess moisture:

Use a soft, lint-free cloth or towel to gently wipe the exterior of the iPad. Make sure to remove any water droplets from the surface, ports, and buttons. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure or rub the screen vigorously, as this may cause additional damage.

5. Shake gently

Hold the iPad with the charging port facing downwards and give it a gentle shake to help remove any water that might have entered the ports or crevices. Avoid vigorous shaking, as it can lead to internal damage.

6. Use desiccants or rice:

Silica gel packets or uncooked rice can be helpful in absorbing moisture. Place your iPad in a sealable plastic bag along with a few desiccant packets or uncooked rice, and leave it undisturbed for at least 48 hours. This method may help absorb remaining moisture from the device.

7. Seek professional help:

If the previous steps don't work or you're unsure about handling the situation, it's advisable to take your wet iPad to an authorized service center or an Apple store. They have the expertise and equipment to assess the damage and provide professional assistance.

1. Do not use heat sources:

Avoid using a hairdryer, oven, microwave, or any other direct heat source to dry your wet iPad. Excessive heat can damage the internal components and worsen the situation.

2. Do not press buttons or charge the device:

It's crucial to avoid pressing buttons or attempting to charge the iPad until it is completely dry. This precaution prevents any potential short circuits that could cause irreversible damage.

3. Do not use compressed air::

While it may be tempting to use compressed air to speed up the drying process, this can force moisture deeper into the device or damage delicate components. Avoid using compressed air canisters or similar devices.

4. Do not use paper towels or tissues:

Paper towels and tissues may leave behind lint or fibers that can get trapped in the ports or other openings, potentially causing further issues. Stick to soft, lint-free cloths for wiping your wet iPad.


A wet iPad doesn't have to be the end of the world. By following the dos and don'ts mentioned above, you can increase the chances of saving your device from irreparable damage. Remember, swift action, powering off the device, removing excess moisture, and using desiccants or rice are essential steps to take. However, if you're uncertain or unable to resolve the issue, it's best to seek professional assistance. With patience and the right approach, you may be able to revive your wet iPad and get back to enjoying its full functionality.

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